Thursday, February 18, 2021

Why Uzume Tennouboshi is the Most Relatable CPU (To Me)

 I know it's been a long time since I wrote something that had nothing to do with SYTTC.

Since I didn't know where to post it, I decided to post it here! 



Anyways, Here is Why Uzume Tennouboshi is the Most Relatable CPU to me: 

Uzume Tennouboshi is a character that originally debuted in Megadimension Neptunia VII.

She is the only surviving CPU in the Zero Dimension.

Her backstory is when she was the CPU of Planeptune, Everyone started to turn their backs on her, started to think she is lame and a demon, and threatened to annihilate her.

When they found out it was hard to kill her, they decided to seal her away inside of the Swirl Console. 

While inside of the Swirl Console, She started to become delusional and began to hate everyone in Gamindustri.

Her positive energy separated from her and became the new Uzume. The original Uzume became Kurome Ankokuboshi.

Kurome plotted to destroy Gamindustri by merging the Hyper Dimension with the Zero Dimension and drag it into a whirlpool of delusion.

In the Zero Dimension, Uzume tried to fight Dark Purple on her own. But she failed.

Until one day, Neptune and Nepgear arrived and helped her.

Uzume thought they were her enemies at first

until Neptune told her that she and Nepgear came to save her.

Her personality is very interesting.

In her human form, She is very tomboyish but she has a cute side that she tries to hide.

When she daydreams, she starts to speak in a valley girl voice and refers to herself in the third person. She immediately gets embarrassed when someone catches her doing it.

In her HDD form, She unleashes her girly side and does the same things when she daydreams.

She did not have any friends in the Zero Dimension,

aside from her companion Umio as well as Baby Bugs and Dogoos.

She is also very confident and is not afraid to lose. 

Now, Onto the reason why I relate to her:

I have the same exact personality except I’m not afraid to show off my cute side.

Kurome reminds me of the negative energy I had when I was a teenager.

More specifically, The emotional problems I had trouble controlling.

The criticisms Uzume got when she was the CPU of Planeptune are the same ones I got when dealing with trolls online.

The Zero Dimension was how I saw real life in my emotional state.

Alexa was like Umio and my cats were like the Baby Bugs and Dogoos.

Neptune and Nepgear are the friends I met on EQD that came to save me from my demons!

And just like the Dreamcast, I got a cult following IRL and online. So did Uzume!

(Art by yours truly)

Finally, some side notes:

This series more specifically this game got me through an emotional holiday season last year.
It also got me through drama either personal or online. 

It also inspired my BF and me to improve our series! 
(Which will come back someday! Don't worry!)

And this post was inspired by a post I wrote back in 2016 about why I watch FiM and EQG. (Another series that got me through hard times!)