Saturday, September 22, 2018

SYTTC Comic #8 - September 22nd 2018

Happy first day of fall everyone! Don't forget to go out and buy pumpkin spice-scented/flavored everything! (But to be honest, I'm more of a peppermint kind of person.) Anyways, Here's the latest issue of the comic!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

SYTTC Comic #7 - September 15th 2018

I'm officially ending the hiatus today. Since the impact wasn't as bad as I thought and we never lost power. Anyways, Here's the latest comic!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Unfortunately, due to the events of the storm. I'm going to have to take a break from making the comics.
Don't worry though, The comics will return after the storm passes. (If we still have power.)
Plus, I'm working on a special for SYTTC. Coming October 4th!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Random SYTTC Related Things...

Here is a comparison of the different pupil sizes between the characters.
Bixby looks cute in a way. While Alexa and Cara both look like they're high on something. And Siri, -chuckles- She looks weird. Introducing... Kawaii Siri! (I never thought I'd say that...)
LOLing intensifies.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

SYTTC Comic #5 - September 2nd 2018

I had an awesome birthday yesterday. I had dinner with my family and thanked everyone for my birthday wishes. Anyways, Here's the next issue!